We apply the tools of modern data science to commercial real estate. For decades we have been analyzing market fundamentals with consistency across geographies and property types. Our data, analytics and macroeconomic viewpoints provide insight as clients evaluate the risks and opportunities that market changes may represent for their investment portfolios. Our forecasts on market fundamentals and prototypical gross income, NOI and cap rates help clients benchmark their investments. All historical and forecast data, as well as our accompanying analyses, are updated quarterly.

Assemble data in a flash.

Choose from multiple reports in our economic, fundamentals and capital markets DataViews. Sort, refine and export DataViews to workbooks. Use our forecasting tools to evaluate potential portfolio performance under a number of different macroeconomic scenarios.

Display DataViews geographically.

Visualize data concepts to compare and contrast performance at market and submarket levels. Save and export your customized visualizations for easy future reference.

Leverage our proprietary index of effective rents.

Compare rent movements across markets and over time accounting for changes in the composition of stock and building attributes. See the market through CBRE’s unique lens with lease transactions data not found elsewhere.

Put our perspectives to work for you.

Hear directly from our thought leaders and economists. We are constantly monitoring leading indicators, analyzing data and observing trends. Ask questions and hear our views on major trends that may affect portfolio performance.

Speed your work with a direct connection to our data warehouse.

Managing your analytical tools is easy when you can pour our data directly into your workbooks. Create queries and update your workbooks at the click of a button. Clone, edit and share queries with your team.

Identify trends for a subset of properties.

Select a group of properties by address or property attributes. Snapshots, historical trends and frequency distributions are at your fingertips. Save and export your attributes so you can easily refresh your reports.
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