Housing market dynamics may bode well for neighborhood retail, multifamily

Aug 23, 2023, 15:45 PM by Matt Mowell
The housing market is in uncharted territory as affordability is worse than it was at the height of the mid-2000s housing mania while the for-sale inventory is at a multi-decade low. So, what does this mean for commercial real estate?

The housing market is in uncharted territory as affordability is worse than it was at the height of the mid-2000s housing mania while the for-sale inventory is at a multi-decade low. The affordability challenges have been exacerbated by surging mortgage rates—now at 20-year highs—while the supply crunch has been caused in part by severely constrained new construction since the Global Financial Crisis.

Given this dynamic, existing home sales have plummeted as a share of for-sale inventory (though they still account for 70% of overall home sales). In many markets, selling an existing home today often requires an owner to accept a valuation well below the level homes in their area recently commanded. Homebuilders are thriving in this market as the competition from existing home sales has lessened sharply. Assuming long-term interest rates will be slow to decline, this dynamic could be around for a while. 

So, what does this mean for commercial real estate? The expansion of suburban rooftops is a tailwind for neighborhood and community retail centers, which have benefited from even less new development over the past decade-plus than the residential home sector. The shortfall of for-sale home inventory and ongoing mortgage affordability challenges may also bode well for multifamily properties, which likely will see fewer residents moving out to purchase their own home.


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