• A Unique Opportunity for Trophy Office Development

    Apr 10, 2024, 10:47 AM by Michael Leahy
    Prime, or Class A+, office space has been outperforming other classes of office space since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Approaching a New Normal for Office Sector

    Mar 28, 2024, 12:05 PM by Matt Mowell
    The office sector is showing signs of balance between supply and demand, as companies have adjusted their lease commitments and are urging employees to return to the office.
  • There is nuance to the office story

    Mar 18, 2024, 12:58 PM by Matt Mowell
    What’s often lost amid the doom-and-gloom headlines about the office sector are the stark differences between office asset classes.
  • Want to Find a Medical Office in Philadelphia? Look Near Hospitals and Affluent Areas

    Feb 26, 2024, 13:24 PM by Matt Mowell
    Marrying EA's medical office data with our geospatial capabilities allows for a more nuanced view of market trends, such as local clustering patterns and pockets of outperformance.
  • Nowhere to hide from rising office vacancy

    Dec 8, 2023, 11:42 AM by Matt Mowell
    The effects of remote work on office demand are pervasive, but are especially pronounced in large, urban office markets like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Manhattan with high commuting costs (both time and money). But that's not the only group feeling the change.
  • Debt funding gap arises in multifamily sector

    Oct 26, 2023, 12:42 PM by Michael Leahy
    We’ve updated our funding gap estimates in light of the dramatic run-up in yields since June. The funding gap for office has now increased to $82.9 billion, and a $21.7 billion funding gap emerged for multifamily properties.
  • A Harry Markowitz tribute: Modern Portfolio Theory and the case for U.S. real estate

    Aug 1, 2023, 13:51 PM by Matt Mowell
    The headlines say it's time to divest U.S. commercial real estate. But Modern Portfolio Theory finds that the optimal commercial real estate portfolio would include more than 50% exposure to U.S. real estate with the balance favoring APAC.

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