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  • 09-10-2024

    Not all inflation is created equal: bigger vs. smaller cities

    We track the change in the consumer price index for metro areas with more than and less than 2.5 million residents.
  • 09-03-2024

    Double-Digit Class B&C Office Cap Rates Are Commonplace

    Although office sales volume has been thin, CBRE’s Cap Rate Survey (CRS) offers fresh insight into how high yields have climbed for marginal buildings.
  • 08-28-2024

    Income Matters for Retail Development but So Does Density

    It’s well established that retail development follows new rooftops. But what impact does an area’s household income have on retail development?
  • 08-27-2024

    Is the office sector beginning to stabilize?

    Many occupiers have rightsized their office footprints, made progress on getting their people back to the office, and more of them are focusing their attention on growth.

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